
Reflection - The Cove and South Park (Whale Wars)

I was aware of the very famous movie, The Cove, long time ago. I had some rough idea of the story but I never had a chance to watch it. Recently, as an assignment of our Geography module, I finally watched it, as well as the "Whale Wars" of the South Park series.

I have to say that, I was shocked by the true story presented in the movie. The movie, which is documentary, revealed the truth in a cove in Taiji, Japan, where the Japanese fishers slaughter dolphins every year. What's more, the Japanese government obviously knew about this fact but because of the economical reasons, the government helps to cover up the truth. Fortunately there is a group of people who risk their lives to search the fact and put it into the public media. And that's  how the movie is finally made.

Although I'm not a vegetarian, I don't encourage people to eat certain animals and species. Even after watching the movie, I still don't understand the reason why the Japanese fishers have to kill so many dolphins. They had some excuses such as tradition, culture, or as a food supply, but in the movie, these excuses were disclosed as nonsense. In the world, there are about 800 wild animals are endanger to extinction. Many more have already extincted due to human activities. Although dolphins are still commonly seen in many regions, can you imagine that one day we will not be able to see any dolpin at all?

"Whale Wars", from the South Park series, describes the story in another angle. I was amazed and I have to admit that it is really a funny show, but I don't like the way it describes and it is also violent. I'm wondering would any Japanese people complaint about it?

In summary, The Cove is a great movie and deserves the awards it received. After watching the movie, I have a better understanding of dolphins and whales. I hope the Japanese government would stop what they have been doing on treating the dolphins and whales. And I sincerely admire those volunteers who revealed this cruel facts. I hope there will be no, or at least less, killings of any wild animals and other species. There is only one Earth and we will have nowhere to runaway if we destroy it.

