
Tsunami: The Aftermath

I was never a fan of disaster movies. I watched the "Titanic" for its romance scenes, and I didn't watch the very famous "Day After Tomorrow" as well as "2012". Therefore when Mr. Ken asked us watch this movie, Tsunami: The Aftermath, I wasn't really interested to find out the stories behind it. It is this weekend while I was doing online studying, I found this movie is actually about a true disaster, the 2004 Indian Ocean Earthquake & Tsunami. This disaster hit Phuket island and other regions, on 26 December 2004, one day after the Christmas, killed over 230,000 people in 14 countries.

This movie is about lives of a group of people who has been through that disaster at Phuket. There are survivals who have missed their family members and friends, reporters, local Thai citizens. It was a painful experience to all of them. I was also deeply attracted by this true story. After watching the movie, I was thinking that, we are so fragile comparing the great power of the nature. Although not everyone would go through such events, we all somehow had occasions with pains and tears. How are we able to survive and get back to a normal life if the same thing happened on us? Will we be able to walk out of the shadow and resume pursuing our dreams?

7 years have passed, Phuket has become even more crowded than before. There are new hotels, restaurants, resorts all over the place. Westerners still keep coming to this tiny island for holidays without worrying at another tragedy at all. I'm not seeing many reports on the stories of those survivals. I hope they are okay. The new tourists may have forgotten what happened there, or even forgotten we all take a part in protecting the nature to avoid any tragedy in future. At least this movie will always remind us of all the sorrows and pains and yes, we will not forget it.

Why do we study geography?

Geography is the science that deals with the study of the Earth and its lands, features, inhabitants, and phenomena. A literal translation would be "to describe or write about the Earth". Geography has been called 'the world discipline'. As "the bridge between the human and physical sciences." - Wikipedia

From its definition quoted from Wikipedia, we can see that Geography is a very broad subject which involves not only physical geography, but also the human sciences. 

We've seen more and more natural disasters happening all over the world in recent years. Why does all this disaster happen and how can we minimize the damage of the disaster? Physical geography explains these questions. 
We all know that Singapore is a small island country. We didn't encounter any natural disaster before doesn't mean it would never happen in Singapore for ever. We are too small and fragile to afford even one small disaster such earthquake or tsunami. Therefore it is crucial for us to learn and understand the geography facts behind the disasters.

Human Science is very interesting to me as I like travelling in a different country and culture. It's amazing to have so many various cultures in the world and through the exchange of thoughts, we would be able to work together, to make it a better world.

It is great to have this opportunity to create a blog and track our learning progress in studying geography. Hope all my classmates would often visit my blog and put down your comments. Cheers~!!!